Penny De Los Santos LIVE | My dream come true photography workshop

I consider myself a baby in this blogging and food photography world. Well, a baby I am, of 7 months.

And then it happened, as part of the learning curve – blog hopping, exploring great blogs, their photography portfolios as well as hunting for photography workshops locally, only the last part never materialized.

Not so long ago, while I was at it, I discovered Penny de Los Santos in an advance google search. Her workshop was not far away from where I lived, only too far away to afford. So I sigh’ed and cajoled myself that I was way too much of an amateur yet, to be asking for a workshop from a photographer of her caliber. And, I even erased it conveniently from my short-term and long-term memory. Many months passed.

Fast forward to four days back.

Suddenly there was this hullabaloo on twitter, thankfully I had jumped on to this bandwagon a few months back and need I say how addictive it is? And tweets on this “too good to be true” online photography workshop were all over my tweetbox (aka twitter inbox). Lo! and behold, who else other than Penny de Los Santos herself in flesh and person, except on the lcd screen. And the icing on the cake (I hate icing, but let’s stick to it metaphorically) – absolutely FREE!

Neither in the wildest of my dreams nor in my daydreaming had I anticipated this day to come and, so soon. I pinched myself, jumped up and down, walked hither thither across my little apartment. There was no way to contain my excitement. So, I went and trumpeted this new-found news to all I could, on twitterverse.

Fast forward to today, 13th of May.

Never must have I waited for the clock to hit 12:00 noon. Never must have I calculated and recalculated the time zone difference between PST and CST. Well, today it was.

And it was a dream come true – my rendezvous (online) with Penny de Los Santos – Passion, Principle, Integrity, Simplicity, Humility and Humor all packed in one. I sav(eu)ored each moment of today, the first day, didn’t move an inch from my laptop and left my 3-year-old to my mom-in-law (so thankful for her).

I am so excited for her photo shoot on day 2 and 3, I can’t seem to sit still, that is why I guess I am typing.

And while I edit this post, I am reminded of only one quote from The Alchemist ~ “When you want something (from the bottom of your heart), all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it”

Enough of my rants. To sum up today’s session, here are her quotes aka pearls of wisdom in chronological order:

  • Writers paint their story with words, that’s where I see the photographs
  • You have to be motivated, that’s the key to a successful photographer
  • Practice, Practice, make a lot of mistakes
  • Don’t emulate a picture, study it
  • I’m behind the camera, my fun is in the field
  • Pick your subject well, make your food look food and look for where the best light is
  • To me, food is most appetizing when it is seen in its natural essence
  • Natural light, done (re: lighting)
  • Messy is the new black (when it comes to food pictures)
  • There is a serious difference between making photographs and taking photograph
  • If you can get an editor to look at your photographs, just take the chance, it is revolutionizing
  • That’s what a great editor does, they put a fire under your butt
  • You can’t just make pretty pictures, you have to go beyond that
  • Great photography is about light, color, composition – and being true to yourself
  • Facebook is for the people you know, twitter is for the people you want to know
  • Practice seeing, I’m always looking for the visuals, I’d never put down the camera
  • I can walk the walk and talk the talk, but if I don’t have the photographs, it doesn’t matter
  • I want to take assignments that feed my soul, not just pay well
  • You have to self-assign your dream assignment
  • Don’t let them (publishers) buy the coffee, always buy them the coffee, always
  • I never sell the rights to my images; only the usage
  • Blogging is generational, a lot of editors think blogging is awful, it is ok to think that way
Well it does. One hundred percent and it was also the most used phrase by Penny today

By now, I am sure you are excited as much or more than I am. So what are you waiting for?

Catch her LIVE tomorrow and day after at

On twitter @pennydelossantos #pennyLIVE

To just tell you how excited a photon I am, I never write blog posts at the spur of the moment and here I am!

To you Penny…

8 thoughts on “Penny De Los Santos LIVE | My dream come true photography workshop

  1. John Wiley says:

    I, too, am a “noob” at food photography, which is really weird because I have been a photographer for more years than I care to admit. AND…I enjoy cooking (and eating) more than I care to admit! 😉

    So when, like you, I just sort of stumbled upon Penny’s creativeLive workshop, I was ELATED! She is such an amazing human being in addition to being a phenomenal food photographer! She, more than anyone else, is responsible for my venturing into this area of photography. I have been dabbling, since, and hope to have some “show-able” work soon.

    Best of luck to you, Radhika!

    John Wiley
    Photastic Images
    Detroit, MI

  2. Sanyukta gour says:

    Hey dear first time here..u hv a bful blog with stunning pics..hope to hear a word from u too…
    Betn amazing workshop….but must say u r truly talented n click gorgeous pics…Best wishes…following u ..n wil drop here more often to Njoy the visual treat…

  3. Maura says:

    We need a Penny de los Santos fan club. Or maybe a “pay it forward” club. I too loved that 3 day class and your list of quotes is great!

  4. kankana says:

    You know after going through the workshop .. i am not liking any of my draft pics ! wish had done some ‘messy’ look.. or stayed a little longer and viewed it from different angle. I want to start making pictures and not just taking 🙂
    This is a beautiful post and those quotes you have written down .. hats off !

  5. Frieda says:

    The workshop has been great! Your pictures look awesome….even for a newbie. I’ve been blogging for awhile and haven’t even got the hang of the photo stuff…my family’s too hungry to wait! Congrats on the twitter win!

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